
Archive for February, 2011

Exercise for FUN FUN FUN – Lighten the load – Shift the frequency to FUN!

FUN FUN FUN – Lighten the load – Shift the frequency to FUN!

FUNNY FACES — When my son was younger, he was the “KING” of funny faces!! For many, many years we had pictures of him making every type of funny face under the sun! He adored Jim Carey’s talent for extreme funny faces!

Little kids love to make funny faces. They are amused with themselves & totally unashamed of looking silly! Ask your angels to assist you in lifting the cloak of illusion, ask them to surround you with joyful laughter & fun! Allow yourself to be silly!! Go to the mirror and make the funniest face you can. Even a smile will shift your gears to a lighter frequency. Shift the frequency to fun! What can you do today to bring light and happiness into the world? Breathe in joy and release all illusion – Only LOVE IS REAL.

If you are having difficulty with this exercise ask yourself who are you trying to please and why? Write it all down on a piece of paper, review what you wrote and then rip up that paper! This allows you to bring the situation into the light! You should feel lighter and brighter! You are LOVE and you are LOVED!

Categories: Uncategorized

Shine Your Radiant Inner Light Now!!

February 1, 2011 1 comment

Shine Your Radiant Inner Light Now!! Limited Registration – Join at anytime!!

Make a commitment to a PEACEFUL, POSITIVE, EMPOWERING and LOVING Journey! You are worth it and I promise you will feel more calm, centered and full of LOVE!

Wednesday February 2, 2011 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM CST

Bi-weekly six month program starts Feb 2 and ends in August

In the comfort of your own home via phone, computer or skype!

Click below to learn more:
Get more information or Register now

I want to extend a deep heartfelt thank you for being you; your beautiful presence is much appreciated. I would be honored to have you start this journey with me!
Or visit the website to learn more

Categories: Uncategorized